Security !?

Security is the way we approach our daily life in front of a computer, smartphone, among others …, i.e. I still remember when I was a child, my parents always told me that I should not talk to Strangers, so from an early age I realized that I could not, and should not trust strangers, well, this also applies to our online lives. So, never, but never trust strangers, regardless of method and or means used – Web Site, email, app, phone contact …

Therefore, before you run an application, open a “Link”, respond to an “email” or a “chat” message, provide personal information by phone, always ask yourself “Can I or should I trust?”

There are a number of ways to check whether or not what we’re going to do is harmful, and some of them are at the distance from a phone call or even a search on one of the Internet search engines.

Regarding the OS issue (Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS …), I thought that this issue was already outdated, because the choice is always a matter of necessity and or taste. But in truth, these two issues are connected, even in the business world. Today the companies computer parks are more and more hybrids, so, nothing can be ignored, even for those who create viruses, which are still a program / application / software.